Post-crowdfunding, and our first interview

We’re pretty sure you already heard the massive relieved exhaling noise: The Pretty in Scarlet Indiegogo campaign has drawn to a close. In the final tally, we find ourselves humbled: over 70% of our $5000 goal reached in just 60 days, and two excited musicians blown away by the response. Thank you so much to everyone who donated, and to everyone who boosted the signal! Even though we won’t be able to do everything we’d hoped, the campaign earned enough to do the big things, starting with paying Joel the Producer of Fantastic and our session musicians and clearing cover royalties, moving on to mastering the final mixes (we’ve sent them off to the engineers, and expect the polished tracks in our hands within a week from now), and finally—a pause for effect—the first pressing of physical CD copies of the finished album. By this time next month, we’ll have nearly a year’s worth of work compressed down to a generous pocket-size. So worth every mile of commute, every re-tuned guitar string knocked a quarter step flat during “Girl That’s Never Been,” and every baleful stare from the resident Mandala House cats, ever irked with all the kerfuffle.

This week, we’ll be seeing each other in person for the first time since recording wrapped, partly for much-missed rehearsal, and partly for the Big Thing we want to mention: we’ll be giving our first-ever live interview for the Pagan Music Project on Pagans Tonight Radio with Pamela “Kelly” McAfee this Wednesday, October 22, starting at 10 pm Eastern time and ending whenever we get done yammering. You’ll be able to call or write in with questions, as well as get your first shot at hearing some of the tracks from the new CD. Just click on to get in; if you happen to miss the live show, that same link will take you to a podcast of the interview to be downloaded after the fact, free to listen to any time.

Thank you all again, dear ones. Chin up, enjoy your tea, and we’ll talk to you soon.