Announcing our new Patreon page

So! What have we been up to? Writing. Rehearsing. Recording demos of new songs. Making videos. So much we want to share.

Which leads to this: our new Patreon campaign.

We, your murderous balladeers, are stuck with a living situation that keeps us too far apart to just drop in whenever we feel like making music, which leaves us with one whole weekend a month on average to cram everything in. And cram we do: our song list has increased by at least a dozen titles since Pretty in Scarlet came out in November, but with all too few performance opportunities and no studio time available to us, sharing is bloody hard.

By becoming our Patreon supporters, you’ll enable us to get all this good stuff out in the world. We’re going on a per-item rather than a monthly subscription model, in anticipation of putting out roughly two things every month, most of it exclusive to our supporters. (Our page opened a month ago, and so far we’ve posted two items. Quod erat demonstrandum.) Our focus is on demo recordings of new material and concert videos, but possibly offering other nifty doodads that come up. In so doing, you’ll be feeding the band, putting gas in our cars to make that long drive back and forth, and eventually, hopefully, start funding our second album, which we’ve already begun to discuss.

So if you have a couple of bucks to toss our way, we’d love to hear from you at, and to share some of what we’ve been up to. We’re tremblingly excited by our new material. We hope you will be, too.

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